That’s Drukhari in the lead there, tops on both Glicko score and win rate in the ITC battles app data. So after two points updates, nine codexes, four campaign supplements, a number of FAQs, and a balance dataslate, where did we end up at the end of 2021? Well, for the most part, the answer shouldn’t really surprise you:

We also frequently check the wonderful site for some results data and to look at lists. The ITC Battles App, a brilliant app for tracking games both in and out of tournaments and a great source of casual game data worldwide.Best Coast Pairings / Down Under Pairings apps, the premier way to run, manage, and track results for tournaments.The data in this month’s study comes from: Thanks to the wonderful efforts of tournament organizers and app developers around the world, we have access to what is essentially every meaningful piece of data around competitive games of 40k. We’ll also look at some data around the new Black Templars book and talk about where we ended up on first turn advantage in 2021. Welcome back, Dear Reader, to another (semi) monthly meta analysis! This time we’re taking stock of the final events of the year and closing things out with a quick look at WHERE WE STAND right before a trio of new codex releases and a new mission pack completely overturn everything we know to be true about the competitive environment.